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Dogs and mud

July 01, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

Dogs and mud

Here are some questions I never know the answer to: why do so many dogs love mud, the smell of it, the feel of it when they run and roll in it and the happiness when they share it with us? How do they find mud even on the driest of days? And the more we find it horrible, the more they laugh at us? It's just one of those dog things, I suppose!

The company of dogs

July 01, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

The company of dogs

I once read that a dog is 'Another heartbeat in the house'. We know that dogs need company but, without even realising it, they bring such good company, love and friendship to us as well.

Dog training for humans

May 31, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

Dog training for humans

I've been doing some online courses by The Dog Rescuers Training Centre. They have a variety of subjects and all are very interesting and useful.

Summer is here…’s official!

May 31, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

Summer is here…’s official!

The weather forecasters say that 1st June is the official start of summer. So, I've been getting more flavoured ice cubes ready for dogs, making sure the garden has shade as well as sun and the paddling pool is up to the job of splashing paws. So, all we need is summer weather and we're off!

Let’s talk about the weather….again!

May 03, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

Let’s talk about the weather….again!

In April we had rain, wind, sun, mud then more rain, wind, sun and mud! Let's hope May is kind to us, but apart from talking about it, we don't have any control. We just need to keep both wet weather gear and dry weather gear handy, just in case!

Double Bank Holidays in May

May 03, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

Double Bank Holidays in May

Many people welcome Bank Holidays as an extra day to relax but, of course, dogs don't think about what day it is, do they? They will certainly enjoy a day of company, a special outing or a different walk. I hope you enjoy whatever you and your dog do.

Snacks and treats

April 01, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

Snacks and treats

It is amazing how many snacks and treats are available for dogs nowadays. Like people, though, some dogs can be allergic to a variety of ingredients so always check the list on the packaging to be sure or think about researching recipes for home made treats, there are plenty online.

Spring again!

April 01, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

Spring again!

As the Easter weekend finishes and the clocks have gone forward, we can really start enjoying the brighter days (ignoring the rain and wind, of course!) The dogs I have been looking after recently have certainly liked finding any sunny spots indoors and outside to lie in for a while.

Young or old, they’re all lovely!

March 02, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

Young or old, they’re all lovely!

Recently I have looked after dogs between the ages of 7 months and 15 years. While the older dog might want slower walks or different food, there are some things that stay the same whatever age they are. They all love company, cuddles, treats, outings and things to keep their brains occupied, like games, toys and new sights, smells and sounds. It's such a pleasure to look after them all!

Dirty dogs!

February 01, 2024  |   News   |     |   0 Comment

Dirty dogs!

Watching your dog enjoy a wet and muddy walk can be good fun and even if your walks are on pavements, there's the eternal challenge of keeping your dog clean and dry. What a fantastic range of coats, jackets and other waterproofs there is, along with paw cleaning pots, drying "bags" and a multitude of wipes, towels and grooming tools. I hope you're all enjoying washing/bathing/showering/drying or otherwise pampering your dogs while we wait for drier weather to arrive!